
Friends of Central Atlanta Library, Inc. (FOCAL) is a private, non-profit organization formed in 2002 whose mission is to:

  • promote interest in and appreciation of the Central Library,
  • enhance the quality of services and programming provided by the Central Library, and
  • carry on charitable and educational purposes and activities in support of the Central Library.

Specific objectives are:

Fundraising: Raise funds primarily through community-based activities (e.g. book sales, ticketed events at the library, dinners), donations, and membership campaigns. This money is allocated back to fund special projects at the library.

Advocacy: Promote the library in the community; encourage greater participation from local neighborhoods and businesses; lobby local government for library needs; help facilitate relationships between the library and potential allies.

Volunteerism: Encourage volunteerism at the Central Library and Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System.